Our beloved community is powered by the energy of our members. Our committees help direct that energy as we seek to transform lives and care for the world.
UUCV Committees & Chairpersons
- Auction Committee, Sub-Group UUCV Auction Artists: Vacant
- Buildings & Grounds: Paula Terry and Denny Stone
- Pastoral Care Committee: Gail Black and Char Klein
- Finance: Michael Fratantuono
- Fundraising: Carole DeWall
- Hospitality: Emily Cappucci and Rebecca Fratantuono
- Membership: Ash Hersh and Gail Black
- Nominating: Bev Motich
- Personnel: Primajoy Ramalingam
- Religious Education: Lynn Sodora
- Adult Education: Keith Bittinger
- Small Group Ministry: Wendy Gebb
- Social Justice Committee: Cheryl Parsons
- Worship Leadership: Chris Kapp