Join us at 10:30 am in our Sanctuary followed by coffee hour in our Social Hall.  Our children’s religious education program also begins in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am and will move down to the Religious Education Classrooms from 10:45 – 11:45.   
You can also join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685


The Worship Theme for October is “Deep Listening”

October 6 – “Blessing of the Animals”  Blessed are the animals, the turtles, the dogs, the birds, the cats, the goats and chickens and axolotls, the fish and frogs and all the other wonderfully diverse creatures we love and share our lives with.  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Jedd Breneman.

October 13 – “Sins, Forgiveness, and Second Chances ” Sin is one of those super-charged religious words that makes people squirm. Forgiveness is hard. Second chances are polarizing.  So let’s squirm in the pews as we talk about all three. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Susan Lara

October 20 – “Deep Listening” The Light and Shadow Side of Deep Listening – What lies beneath the words we share and what’s missing from being shared at all?   Cheryl Parsons leads the service with worship associate Susan Rimby.

October 27 – “A Samhain Blessing”   Blessed be the journey of our ancestors. Guiding spirits, hear our call. As the wheel turns and the veil thins,we honor those who came before us all. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Staci Kendall.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for
September is Invitation

September 1 – “HOT, HOT, HOT” The old saying goes, ‘Never talk about politics or religion at the dinner table”. How do we have hard conversations about hot topics without blowing our tops?  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate 

September 8 – “Water Communion”  This Sunday we will celebrate our annual Water Communion. Please bring a small container of water that symbolizes something special from your summer adventures. This could be water from a summer vacation spot, or water from your backyard. It could be water from your garden hose, or water from your favorite place to swim. From the ocean, a lake, or from your home tap. We will combine our waters in a common bowl as we embark on a new congregational year together. Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Alicia Riegel-Kanth.

September 15 – “Upstairs Church, Downstairs Church”  We kick off our Religious Education year with a reminder that ALL of us are here to learn and grow – from the youngest to the oldest. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associates from the Religious Education Committee.

September 22 – “Pumpkins, Spice, and Everything Nice”  Celebrate Mabon, a harvest festival of gratitude, with us as we embrace all the little basic little joys of autumn. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

September 29 – “The Power of Invitation”  Often when we think of an invitation, it’s something simple – a call to a gathering, a request to join, or an opening to connect. But an invitation can be much more than a logistical gesture. It’s an opportunity for transformation. Matt Burr leads the service with worship associate Susan Green.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The worship theme for August is “Celebrate UU Identity”

August 4 – “Camp UUCV” Gather around the campfire, sing a few songs, possibly skits, hear some stories, share in some laughter. Join us as we celebrate community and building tradition at this non traditional service designed for all ages. Brent Dickerson leads the service.  

August 11 – “Bartering, Believing & Basking”  “I’m as bad of an unbeliever as I was a Believer.”  Mary Reichart leads the service with worship associate Susan Rimby.

August 18 – “UUCV Plays”  Building on the idea that play is a spiritual practice, and that spending time together, no matter the venue, can feed our spirits, UUCV will inaugurate our first annual Summer Picnic Service. Pack a Picnic, slather on the sunscreen, and join Board President Jim Burton, along with Worship Associate Jedd Brenneman, at South Middleton Park for fun, fellowship, and time with friends.

August 25 – “Backpack Blessing: All-Ages Worship Service”  As we enter this back-to-school season, let’s explore the winding paths of learning and living during this fun and thought-provoking Service for All Ages. Bring your backpack, laptop case, purse, tote bag, briefcase and/or pencil box for our annual Backpack Blessing ceremony!  Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Susan Rimby.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for
July is Potential

July 7– “Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner” Resisting oppression while embracing our oppressors. Ben Ramirez leads the service with worship associate Lisa Balog.  

July 14 – “Miracles Can Happen…in New Jersey?!?” Join us in our dining hall for our second “brunch church” as we learn more about our history as Unitarian Universalits, and that miracles can happen, even to UU’s….and even in New Jersey. Bring your favorite brunch dish to share. Pancakes will be provided. [Gluten Free pancakes will be available.] Lynn Sodora leads the service. 

July 21 – “Believe”  “I believe in a good strong cup of ginger tea,and that all these shoots and roots will become a tree, and I know I just can’t help but see all of this as so very holy.” – Carrie Newcomer “I believe in believe.” -Ted Lasso. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with our teens as worship associates. 

July 28 – “The Riddle and the Mystery”  Humankind has created countless stories to try to explain the mystery that surrounds everything. That is all religion really is – people wondering about where we came from, why we are here, and what comes next. Today’s service invites us to join in that exploration. Rev. Cindy Terlazzo preaches with worship associate Susan Rimby.

Rev. Cindy Terlazzo comes to us from the Gettysburg congregation where she has been serving part time for the past 3 years. She had the delightful opportunity to intern with UUCV from 2018 – 2020. Cindy lives in York with her life partner, John Terlazzo. In addition to serving the Gettysburg UU, she also has a full time job as a social worker, serving individuals who have intellectual disabilities. Cindy and John will be moving to Rochester, NY later this summer to live closer to family and watch grandchildren grow up in every day time. She is delighted to join you to explore some of life’s biggest questions – Where Did We Come From and Where are We Goin.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship Theme for June is: Renewal

June 2 – “Flower Communion” Join us for a special all-ages worship service celebrating our beloved UU tradition of the Flower Communion. Just as no two flowers are alike, so no two people are alike, yet each has something beautiful to share. Together, different flowers create a lovely bouquet symbolizing our unique UUCV family. Bring a flower for the ceremony; you’ll be invited to take a different flower home. By exchanging flowers we show our commitment to work together in Beloved Community. Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associates from our teens and yuuth. 

June 9 – “In Defense of Pancake Communion” A new adventure awaits us as we join for music and discussion in our dining hall, where we will explore the idea of what deems a place/time “holy”, while sharing a brunch meal together. Bring your favorite brunch dish to share. Pancakes will be provided [gluten free pancakes will be available]. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service.

June 16 – “Love Meets the Dragons: Becoming and Being a Unitarian Universalists Minister”  How does one become an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister? How can ministry be sustained and both ministers and congregations thrive? Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

June 23 – “Light, Love, and Connection: Tending the Garden of our Soul”   As we celebrate the Summer Solstice and the beauty of thriving plant life all around us, let’s assess our role as gardener of our inner life. Cheryl Parsons leads the service.

June 30 – “Our Odyssey”  Come celebrate with us and hear UUCV history and reflections from congregates as to why UUCV is where they call home. Brent Dickerson leads the service.

The Worship theme for

May 5 – “The Great We Are” We are living in a world brimming with diversity. A kalediscope of cultures, religions, ethnicities, and viewpoints swirl around us. This rich tapestry of human experience, though, can sometimes feel like a jumble of clashing patterns. That’s where Pluralism steps in.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service.

May 12 – “Kintsugi Life”  The pressure to be perfect is all around us. When we expect how we look and what we do to be instagram-perfect , we set ourselves up to be highly critical of ourselves when our efforts turn out more like a Pinterest Fail . Why is it so hard to sit with and embrace our imperfections? Why does the idea of letting “good enough” be good enough make us so itchy? Join us for this decidedly non-traditional time of reflection and sharing, as we consider the beauty of our imperfect lives.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Mary Reichart

May 19- “RE Sunday”  Join us this Sunday for a very special all-ages worship service celebrating UUCV’s RE Program. This day brings our 2023-24 RE classes to a close. We will hear from the children and youth, as well as some of their leaders, as to what they accomplished this year. We also honor our many dedicated RE volunteers. Be sure to look for news about our Summer Sundays RE activities. Lynn Sodora leads the service with  our teens and RE folks as worship associates.

May 26 “The House the Love Built”  Sticks and stones may break and go, but love will live forever. Join us as we celebrate the end of our capital campaign, and more importantly this house that love built. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Paula Terry.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for

April 7 – “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” Trauma is something that can happen to all of us — add in systemic oppression, and it’s a recipe for PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Join us as as “The Lisas”, our resident therapists, explore the complicated rivers of mental health, and the bridges we can build over these troubled waters.  Lisa Citarella leads the service with worship associate Lisa Balog.

“Let’s Talk About It” The service plan for April 14th has had to change significantly. Originally Derail Holcomb was scheduled to lead us that Sunday. However, due to unexpected circumstances, Derail had to cancel.
The board decided to change this setback to an opportunity for you to be heard.
There are several questions which have come up as a result of the cottage meetings. Additionally, there are rumors of plans and proposals from those meetings which deserve clarification.
During this service, you will be given the opportunity to respond to a series of questions which will be presented to you by a member of the board. Board members will be available to answer your questions as well. Jim Burton will lead/facilitate this program. We will have many of the elements of a traditional service except for the sermon and the reflection. This is your chance to speak up.
We know many of you feel very strongly about the direction of UUCV in either a positive or negative way. The board asks that you remember our principles during this discussion period. The facilitators job is two-fold. First, Jim needs to make sure all have a chance to speak. Second, Jim needs to ensure emotions do not end up causing an unnecessary argument. This discussion will not end up with UUCV making any immediate changes. This will help in understanding the kinds of things our minister search team should consider.
A short town hall will follow to summarize the worship service discussion which will include information received from the cottage meetings and our plan on a minister search. If possible, plan to attend the entire service to get a better understanding of our congregations thoughts.

April 21- “Earth Day”  Positive and Negative Externalities, Science and Feelings in the natural world. As time permits we will dig into who gets to formulate the hypothesis and how our feelings can mesh with science.  Brent Dickerson and Ryanne Mack lead the service with worship associate Michele Burton.

April 28 “Article II: Our Shared Values” –  Join us for a special all-ages worship service exploring the proposed changes to the UUA By-Laws Article II. We’ll take a deep dive into the 6 new proposed Shared Values: Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence and Generosity. Many congregations are adopting the acronym JETPIG along with its adorable cartoon character. Let’s meet JETPIG and discuss ways we can live out our shared values every day. Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Wendy Gebb.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for

March 3 – “The Fight for Justice”   Too often, we think of Atheists and Agnostics as devoid of spiritual practices. This isn’t exactly true. We all feed our souls in some way, and when striving for justice feeds your soul, activism becomes spiritual practice, and protest a sacrament. Melissa Mattson takes a dive into the Women of Unitarian Universalism and their drive for justice and equality with worship associate Jill Hoffman. 

March 10 – “Giving and Receiving: Acts of Love”  Many of us have experienced pledge and volunteer drives for this community. When I think of UUCV, I see and experience a community filled with support and love for each other and a commitment to our principles. Your support in time and treasure should be thought of as Acts of Love. There are numerous examples we can see every Sunday and throughout the week of these Acts of Love. During Cottage Meetings, UUCVers expressed their very strong concerns about finances and volunteerism. It is time to translate concern into Action. The results of the cottage meetings will be discussed in support of the kick off for the Pledge/Volunteer Drive.  Jim Burton leads the service with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.

March 17 – “Ostara”  Join us for a very special all-ages worship services in celebration of Ostara, the spring equinox. The first day of Spring is knocking on our window sill. What wishes would you like the breeze to carry for you? Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associates Candice and Lily Holsinger. 

March 24 “A Holi Joy” – When we let go of inhibitions, of regret, of failures and wrongs committed by and against us, we free our spirits to experience joy unhindered. Join us as we celebrate Holi – a festival of color and joy.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Primajoy Ramalingam and Music Folks.

March 31 “The Audacious Courage of Resurrection” It’s the resurrection that makes the Easter story seem so impossible. What do we need to resurrect in our own lives, and how can we bring ourselves to roll away the stones of fear that hold us back?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Susan Lara. 

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship Theme for February is Justice and Equality

February 4 – “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” The funny thing about history is that it’s usually written by the winners….which means it’s not always completely accurate. So how can we take steps to address our problematic histories, own our failings, and move forward so it doesn’t repeat itself?  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Ginny Ivanoff.

February 11 – “Crossing the Great Divide” Our society has a deep problem: we are deeply divided into political camps that seem irreconcilable. How many of us have struggled with friends or family members who espouse beliefs that are at odds with ours, beliefs that seem anathema to us? Today, it is important that we find ways to bridge our political differences if we hope to save our democracy. It may seem a daunting task to engage with political opponents, but there are ways to do it that are relatively easy. Guest Speaker Steve Buckingham leads the service with worship associate Michael Fratantuono.

February 18 – “Love and Justice”  Join us for a special all-ages worship service celebrating our UU core value, LOVE. How can love lead us in the fight against injustice? Are we allowing our love of humanity and the earth to guide us in our daily lives? Are we actively doing the work our values call us to do? Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Ash Hersh. 

February 25 “The words we put in Jesus’ Mouth” – A popular saying in Christianity is WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? Unfortunately, the typical answer to that question is far from the lessons Jesus actually taught. This Sunday, we’ll explore the contrast between what Jesus actually said and the words folks too often put into his mouth.  Rev.Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Mary Reichart.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685


The Worship Theme for January is Liberating Love

January 7 – “Fire Communion” Join us for a very special all-ages worship service celebrating our annual Fire Communion.  The new calendar year invites us to let go of that which held us back last year, and to embrace the future with renewed hope.  In a special ritual, we will write down words or phrases which sum up those things we want to release before we begin again.  We will then burn those slips of paper in a ritual of release, Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

January 14 – “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” MLK’s Push Towards Justice”  We will explore the profound impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter, written during his incarceration, and its enduring relevance in our pursuit of justice today.  Through the lens of Dr. King’s words, we will examine the challenges and struggles faced in the fight for justice, both then and now.  Derail Holcomb is our guest speaker with worship associate Mary Reichart. 

January 21 – “Poetry Sunday”   Poetry brings much to our lives. It can make us laugh, cry, move our inner being. Unfortunately it does not seem to be celebrated as much as it deserves. This Sunday poems will be read that will hopefully inspire you to find a book of poetry and read a little each day.  A good place to start is in the back of our “Singing the Living Traditions” Hymnal.. Michelle Burton leads the service with worship associate Michael Fratantuono.

January 28 “Living on a Prayer” Like Bon Jovi said, “We’re halfway there. Woah-oh, we’re livin’ on a prayer.” The wheel of the year turns to Imbolc, the halfway point in the journey from winter to spring.  Rev.Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Cathy Dewalt.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship Theme for December is MYSTERY

December 3 –“And Yet There is So Much Light” Chalica Candles, advent wreaths, menorahs, our chalice….there is so much light this time of year. Just as all these lights illuminate our sanctuary, one tiny spark of hope can break through the darkness of despair.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Susan Lara.

December 10 – “Made of Star Stuff” “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” Astronomer John Flood discusses the mysteries of the universe.  John Flood leads the service with worship associate Matthew Burr.

December 17 – “Sacred Time?”   Let’s explore the mystery of sacred time and space. What is the relationship between the two? What differentiates sacred moments from secular or profane moments? Are they mutually exclusive? In this reflective service we’ll examine the aspects of attention, context, relationship, reverence, and intention involved in recognizing, creating, and honoring sacred moments in our lives. Cheryl Parsons leads the service with worship associate Ash Hersh

December 24 (Christmas Eve 5:00pm Service Only) “For Unto Us” Rev.Chris Kapp and Lynn Sodora lead the service. Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 5:00 PM or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

December 31 – “Finishing Well” In tasks, as in life, we tend to start strong. Then life hapens and things get messy in the middle. How can finishing well bouy our spirits and help set us up for a new year?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Max Donnelly.

The Worship Theme for November is GENEROSITY

November 5 – “The Light of Change”   I have been a fan of Holly Near for over forty years.  But I didn’t know that she was a lot more than a singer songwriter.  We will examine her life and learn more about her including her social justice work.  Come prepared to sing and learn. Rev. Dr. Richard Speck preaches with worship associate Susan Green

November 12 – “Sharing Culture, Sharing Light” Just as Diwali celebrates light, we celebrate the light that experiencing other cultures can bring to our spirits. Join us as we celebrate diwali and Moz culture with our Mozambique team.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service.  

November 19 – “Gratitude and Hope”   Join us for a very special all-ages worship services in celebration of Thanksgiving. One of our UU shared values is Generosity. Let us reflect on the ways that we embrace generosity with gratitude and hope. Lynn Sodora leads the service with our children and yuuth as worship associates. 

November 26 – “Building Walls, Mending Walls” Join us for Outreach Sunday as we take a deeper look at Robert Frost’s Poem, “Mending Wall”  Michael Fratantuono leads the service with members of our Outreach Committee as worship associates.

The Worship Theme for October is HERITAGE:

October 1 –“Blessing of the Animals: A Service for All Ages”  Join us for a very special all-ages Worship Service celebrating the Blessing of the Animals. You are invited to share photos past and present of your beloved pets. Live animals will be invited into the Sanctuary for this service and must be leashed or caged, housebroken, and good with other animals, people and music/loud noises. We will also have an altar for beloved pets who have passed on. Service will be led by Lynn Sodora, Director of LIfespan Faith Development, with Cathy Dewalt serving as Worship Associate. Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Cathy Dewalt.

October 8 – “Wider Still” As Unitarian Universalists, we have a long history of drawing the circle wide, accepting folks who have been marginalized for various reasons. Today we celebrate that wide circle, and our ever-evolving attempts to draw it wider still through the revision of Article 2.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Ginny Ivanoff.

October 15 – “Role Models” Who do we hold onto as our examples and how can we serve as the best possible role models for others?  Cheryl Parsons leads the service with worship associate John Flood.

October 22 “Celebrating the Unique” As UUs we pride ourselves in accepting our uniqueness. We explore how the greater worlds binary “boxes” can influence how we describe and feel about our bodies. Celebrating all bodies in the glorious variety that we are in support of Intersex Awareness Day on 10/26/2023.  Primajoy Ramalingam leads the service with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.

October 29 –“The Masks We Wear” What parts of ourselves do we hide from the world? [come in costume]  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service. 


Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
The Worship theme for
September is WELCOME

September  3 – “Checking in”  It’s the start of a new school year, a new church year — even though the calander says it’s still 2023, it’s a season of change and renewal. How can we check in with ourselves and each other to make the most of this pivotal time? Rev.Chris Kapp preaches.with worship associate Brent Dickerson.

September 10 – “Water Ceremony: A Service for All”  This Sunday we will celebrate our annual Water Communion.  Please bring a small container of water that symbolizes something special from your summer adventures.  This could be water from a summer vacation spot, or water from your backyard.  It could be water from your garden hose, or water from your favorite place to swim.  From the ocean, a lake, or from your home tap.  We will combine our waters in a common bowl as we embark on a new congregational year together. Lynn Sodora preaches with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.

September 17 – “Yes, and…”  Conjunction Junction, are our words construction or dysfunction? Learn how a mindset shift from ‘yes, but’ to ‘yes, and’ can fuel optimism and growth, build bridges and open hearts. Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Brent Dickerson.

September 24 – Julie Ham preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.  Service details to follow.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
The Worship theme for
August is PLAY

August 6 – “Play as a Spiritual Practice” As adults we can so easily fall into the idea that we have to be serious and grown-up about everything. Somewhere along the way, we forget the joy of running down the street in our cold, wet sneakers, laughing and being in the moment. How can we recapture some of that joy?  Rev.Chris Kapp preaches.with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

August 13 – “Play as a Healing Practice” Dr. Brene Brown prescribes “play” as a necessary element of what she calls “WholeHearted Living.” All are welcome to join us this morning as we explore the meaning of Play as a Healing Practice. Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Ben Ramirez. 

August 20 – “Revival: Stronger Together: Getting to Know our UU Neighbors”   This service will take place in Lancaster (see full Revival article below)  The service will be livestreamed….link information will be sent out when available.

UUCV Sanctuary and church will be closed this Sunday.

August 27– “Backpack Blessing: A Service for All Ages”   As we enter this back-to-school season, let’s explore the winding paths of learning and living during this fun and thought-provoking Service for All Ages. Bring your backpack, laptop case, purse, tote bag, briefcase and/or pencil box for our annual Backpack Blessing ceremony! Director of Lifespan Faith Development, Lynn Sodora, leads this service with participation from our children and youth

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
The Worship theme for
July is JOY

July 2 – “Laughter as Prayer” Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to define prayer in increasingly expansive and imaginative ways. Today, join us for a service of levity as we explore the ways that we UUs find humor in the world and turn laughter into prayer.  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches.

July 9 – “All Things Article II” Are they taking our 7 Principles away? Not quite, but there are some big conversations happening at the denominational level around redefining our faith itself. All are welcome to be part of the conversation this Sunday at UUCV!  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches. 

July 16 – “The R.A.C.E. Method”  This Sunday, Rev. Meg will share the RACE Method as taught by Dr. David Campt. The RACE Method is an approach that anti-racism allies can take to trying to share their perspective with people who are skeptical that racism against people of color is a problem worthy of specific attention. It is based on principles from Non-violent communication and on findings from the science of persuasion. RACE stands for: Reflect, Ask, Connect, Expand.  Cheryl Parsons is worship associate.

July 23 – “Camp UUCV”  Stories, songs, s’mores…there’s just something about the nostalgic memory of summer camp. Join camp counselors Brent, Ben, and Chris as we bring a little of that magical summertime community indoors to the UUCV sanctuary – with special campfire music by renowned harmonica player Chad Bruce.  Rev. Chris Kapp, Ben Ramirez and Brent Dickerson lead this service. 

July 23 – “Creativity”  Have you ever made scratch art? There’s something so satisfying about scratching through the plain top layer revealing the multi-color layer underneath?  Join us as we look “under the surface” and consider opportunities for exploration, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with the creative forces at work within us and the world around us.

We encourage folks to bring a creative project of your choice to work on during this experiential service. Feel free to set up an easel and paint, work on knitting or embroidery or wood carving, set up a small folding table to make jewelry or pottery…whatever creative pursuit feeds your soul is welcome in worship for this creative service.  Max Donnelly leads the service with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
The Worship Theme for June is Delight
June 4 – “Blooming” All are welcome as we remember the 100th anniversary of the first Flower Communion with a joyous service, welcoming New Members and celebrating our beloved community! Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Lynn Sodora. 

June 11 – “Fall in Love” Guest Speaker Derail Holcomb  “I am excited about Joining you on Sunday, June 11, 2023. That morning we will discuss ” To Delight is TOO fall in Love.” I have overcome many obstacles throughout my faith journey, yet I have grown increasingly aware of Love and Light and the wonder of their amazement. My theology has been formed, transformed, and continues to be reshaped through stepping stones and the struggle of Life. I have learned that my understanding of the Divine is continuously evolving and will continue to develop for the rest of my Life.  I hope that my accomplishments and willingness to learn play a large part in preparing me for this goal.”  Chris Kapp will be worship associate.

June 18 – ” ”  Guest Speaker Rev. Cindy Terlazzo.  Rev. Cindy is delighted to be with her UUCV congregation again and is looking forward to spending time with our UUCV community.  Melissa Mattson is worship associate.

June 25 – “”  Guest Speaker: Michael Piaskowski with worship associate Chris Kapp.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The worship theme for May is Honorable Harvest

May 7 – “Difficult Emotions” Dealing with difficult emotions is a daily challenge of being human. Mindfulness can help. This morning, we face our “bad” emotions with the tools of Mindfulness, Common Humanity, and Compassion. Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Lynn Sodora. 

May 14 – “Challenging Relationships” Once you’ve done your inner work, you still have to deal with all of those other people in the real world! All are welcome to join us as we face our difficult relationships, applying compassion at every turn. Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Melissa Mattson

May 21 – “RE Sunday”   Lynn Sodora leads the service.  Join us for our end of the year celebration of UUCV’s Religious Education programming.  Everyone will gather in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am for service.  We will hear from our RE children and youth, as well as some of their teachers and parents.  This service also includes an RE Volunteer Recognition ceremony for all those who have shared their time and talents with our young people.  

May 28 – “Embracing your Life” Join us as we celebrate week 8 of our Mindful Self-Compassion series! During this service, we will share all the ways that MSC has brought more peace into our lives. All are welcome, even if you missed the other weeks in the series! There is something here for everyone! Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Ian Harris

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
The Worship theme for April is Honorable Harvest

April 2 – “Loving Kindness” Many of us are aware of the Buddhist concept of Metta, or Lovingkindness, but what does it mean to turn this practice toward ourselves? This Sunday we gather to bolster one another along on our paths toward mindful self-compassion.  Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Lynn Sodora.  

April 9 – “Your Compassionate Voice” There are words that you have longed to hear for as long as you can remember. Words of kindness that you didn’t hear when you needed them. This week, join us as we explore and discover our compassionate voice.  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Ian Harris. 

April 16 – “Living Deeply/Planning our Future”  Join us this morning as we celebrate our community and our faith! As Unitarian Universalists, we have unique and diverse values by which we live our lives. We gather this morning to delve into what those values are, to name them and recognize their importance among us as a community as well as individually. Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Bev Motich. 

April 23 – “When the Music Fades” When the music fades, all is stripped away, and we simply come…..When all is stripped away, can we still find and use our voice?  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Heather Fox.  

April 30 – “Dance to the Music” A world with no music is unimaginable. Join us as we celebrate the many ways music enriches our lives.  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Zach Woodward.

The Worship theme for March is Honorable Harvest

March 5 – “UU Women’s History” What is International Women’s Day and what does it mean for us? All genders are welcome to join as we look at the history of Women’s Rights up to our present day understanding of gender.  Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Lynn Sodora. 

March 12 – “Mindfully Honoring our Past” This Sunday we celebrate UUCV’s 25 year anniversary! Join us as we celebrate with special voices and love, focusing on something called “Mindful Self-Compassion.” As UUs we talk about the importance of compassion, but we rarely exercise it toward ourselves. How can we do this in a mindful way? All are welcome to come along on this journey toward Mindful Self-Compassion.  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.

March 19 – “Mindfullness”  For the second week in our series on Mindful Self-Compassion, we focus on Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a buzz word that you have likely heard, but what does it really mean? How can Mindfulness help us along our spiritual paths as UUs?Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Dan Cozort.

March 26 – “Advocacy and Acceptance”  Guest Speaker Sheri Thomas and worship associate Cheryl Parsons, will explore how promoting the inherent worth and dignity of every person and justice, equity and compassion in human relations, can inspire us to embrace advocacy and acceptance and help remove the stigmas surrounding physical disabilities and mental health.

Sheri, a worship assistant and board member at Channing Memorial Church, Unitarian Universalist, in Ellicott City, MD, spent decades breaking down barriers and promoting full accessibility as part of various disability commissions and committees in Maryland.  Her book, “IMBALANCED: A Memoir” traces Sheri’s remarkable journey from a front-page headline in 1962 to her current role as an advocate fighting to remove the stigmas surrounding physical disabilities and mental health. 

The Worship theme for February is Tending Toward Growth

February 5 – “A Multicultural Celebration” On the first Sunday of Black History Month, we welcome all to join us for a multicultural celebration! Diversity is an important part of our faith as Unitarian Universalists, and we joyfully invite you to be a part of it!  Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Cheryl Parsons. 

February 12 – “Meditations on Music and Silence” This Sunday we gather in a spirit of awe as we spend time together ruminating on the power of sacred music and sacred silence. Relax and let the music heal your soul. Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Michele Burton

February 19 – “On Being a Beacon” There is an old “preaching illustration” about a Lighthouse Preservation Society. With all that is going on in the world and our own lives these days, may the story remind us of how we might rekindle our own light and the light of others to restore ourselves and reach out beyond our own circles. Rev. Pat Haresch, Lancaster UU Minister, will lead the service with worship associate Riley Johnson.

Rev. Haresch is a birthright UU. She had served congregations in the Northeast and Southeast until her spouse joined the U.S. State Department, bringing their family to the Philippines, Colombia, and Canada. In the Philippines, she enjoyed being an active ministerial volunteer with a UU congregation in metro Manila and the national denomination. In Canada, she was the Developmental Minister for the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa. Rev. Pat’s family has returned to Maryland while serving as a “hybrid” minister for the UU congregation in Lancaster, PA.

February 26 – “What the ACTUAL @&%$ ?!?!?!?!”  Anger. We all feel it. It’s a normal, valid emotion. So why are we so afraid of it? Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Primajoy Ramalingam   

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for January is Tending Toward Growth

January 1 – “A Fireside Service” Join us for a live zoom-only service, as we celebrate the New Year from our cozy homes! Hygge, the Danish spirit of “comfortable conviviality” is the spirit of our intention-setting for the New Year. Snuggle under a blanket, bring your hot chocolate (with marshmallows!) and join our “Fireside Service” from the comfort of your couch.  Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

January 8 – “The Fire of Commitment” Fire Communion is a sacred Unitarian Universalist ritual of intention-setting for the New Year. All are welcome to participate in this Multigen service where we will celebrate the fire of our commitment to one another.  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate 

January 15 – “Sunday of Changes”  Our Outreach Sunday for the month of January is a day of changes! Join us for a lively message about identity, spirituality, and commitment. Stay afterward for a historic congregational meeting where we will exercise our democratic values and vote to endorse the 8th Principle!Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate

January 22 – “To Speak Out or Shut Up – That is the Question”  As Uu’s, activism is in our souls. Protest is practically a sacrament. But there is a time and a place for everything, including our silence. So how do we know when to use our voice and when to keep quiet?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Riley Johnson.

January 29 – “We’re Halfway” Wheel of the Year members observe Imbolc during this service.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for December is Tending Toward Growth

December 4 – “We Are Not Broken” Have you ever heard of Spoon Theory? All are welcome as we celebrate invisible disabilities and neurodiversity in this multigenerational service. No need to bring your own spoon – spoons will be provided!  Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Max Donnelly.

December 11 – “Why Grow?” This Outreach Sunday, we look into the real reasons to grow a church. At its height, the Otterbein Methodist Church, the previous owners of our building had over 400 members! How did they all fit in the building for worship? Join us as we explore the strange idea of Unitarian evangelization! Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Dan Cozort.

December 18 – “Here Comes the Sun”  Merry Meet! As we walk into the darkest part of the year together, the sun already begins her glorious return. All are welcome to participate in a traditional Solstice/Yule celebration, including setting intentions and enjoying sun cookies! God jul!  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associates from the Wheel of the Year Small Group.

December 24 – “The Star”  All are welcome as we celebrate our traditional annual Christmas Eve service at 5:00 PM. We will sing carols and light candles as we reflect on “The Star,” an ancient religious symbol in the Nativity story. Be sure to bring the spark of the divine within your own heart as we honor the etherial magic of the holiday season. Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

December 25 – Happy Holidays!  No Services Today

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685


The Worship theme for November is Radical Rooting

November 6 – “Tending our Garden” All are invited to Mozambique Sunday! UUCV has been supporting the Mozambique Bursary in many ways for many years. Come celebrate with us and learn about the work that is happening to help African girls recieve an education. Then, join us afterward in the Social Hall for an African-inspired feast!  Rev. Meg Mathieson leads the service with worship associates from the Mozambique Committee.

November 13 – “Roots Reaching Out” You and a friend are invited to Outreach Sunday! The roots of our garden are reaching out in love to all, both in person and online! Let’s not keep our wonderful congregation a secret!   Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Joseph Osborne. 

November 20 – “Radical Gratitude” All are welcome to celebrate New Member Sunday as we officially greet our newest members with love and a few tokens of our affection. Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Molly Wilkinson.

November 27 – “Lean in Toward the Light”  Carry nothing but what you must. Let it go, shake off the dust. Today is now, tomorrow beckons. Keep practicing ressurection. The shadows of this world will say, “there’s no hope, why try anyway?” But every kindness, large or slight, shifts the balance towards the light.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Chris Bilger.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

The Worship theme for October is Radical Rooting

October 2 – “Rooted in our Shared History” All are welcome to join in this service for all ages, where we set a welcome table to celebrate each of our six UU sources. At each step we ask, “Where are the broken places? How do we help repair them?” Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Heather Fox.

Congregation Meeting and Pot-Luck! Stick around after worship for a quick congregational meeting….and bring your appetite and favorite dish to share after the meeting in the Social Hall.

October 9 – “Rooted in our Differences” All are welcome to join in this service for all ages, where we set a welcome table to celebrate each of our six UU sources. At each step we ask, “Where are the broken places? How do we help repair them?” Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Ben Ramirez. 

October 16 – “Let’s Talk about Pronouns, Baby” Once we’ve added our pronouns to our name tags, what’s next? Radical Inclusion? Respecting all people? Where does the madness end? Join us as we take another look at pronouns and just what they have to do with spiritual growth.Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Michele Burton.

October 23 – “A Profession is not a Personality”  Are we what we do? Is “job” a noun or a verb?   Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Primajoy Ramalingam.

October 30 – “Samhain: A Thin Veil Between Two Worlds”  The Wheel of the Year turns again as we celebrate Samhain (sow-wen), or Halloween. This is a time when the veil between here and there seems to thin. Who are our ancestors? How do we celebrate their influence in our lives? What heirlooms and gifts are ours from them? We invite you to bring photos of your ancestors or of the heirlooms they’ve shared with us. We’ll display them in the sanctuary during this special time. Members of our Wheel of the Year small group will lead this service. 

The Worship theme for September is Radical Rooting

September 4 – “Rooted in Mystery” All are welcome to celebrate this multigen service in which we will explore four paths through mystery, have a backpack blessing, and end with a sweet treat!  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Michele Burton.

September 11 – “Our Connected is Rooted in Welcome” For UUs, Ingathering is the official beginning of the church year, and a time of arms-wide radical welcoming! If you have been thinking about whether to attend a service with us, this is the Sunday to enter, rejoice, and come in! All are to join in as we celebrate our annual Water Communion!.  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons. 

September 18 – “8th Principle Sunday” Celebrate with us as we mark the Autumnal Equinox, or Mabon. We will explore together how the wheel of the year is supported by our proposed 8th Principle. Stay after the service for a short coffee hour presentation on our upcoming plans around supporting the 8th Principle in our congregation!  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches with worship associates from the Wheel of the Year Small Group.

September 25 – “The Miracle of a Body”  Our bodies are incredible. So why are we so often at war with them? These meat sacks that carry our souls through this world are miracles – let’s honor them for all they do for us. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

UU Principles is the theme for August Worship

6th Principle – Goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all

August 7 – “Hello!  My Name Is…” On Rev. Meg’s first Sunday in the pulpit, she shares her hopes and dreams as well as the backstory of her long and winding road to UUCV. We truly are all part of a mysterious interconnected web!  Chris Kapp will join Rev. Meg as the worship associate.

August 14 – “” Rev. Jen Raffensperger is our guest minister with worship associate Dot Everhart. At this most full time of the year, what are the ways in which we can consider how we are with ourselves, with our communities, and with our larger world? This is a time of tending and preparing for the harvest. What can we take with us of our learning and effort, our successes and failures, our joys and sorrows from the first half of the year, into the last half? We’ll be inspired by the stars and the dandelions and everything in between.

7th Principle – Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

August 21 – “To Accountably Dismantle Oppressions…” Have you met the 8th Principle? She’s really quite a feisty gal! All are welcome to join in getting to know this misunderstood but powerful proposed Principle.  Rev. Meg preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.

August 28 – “With Welcome for All” We say that everyone means everyone, but is that REALLY true? What do we do when our welcome mat is full of thorns? Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Heather Woodward and Primajoy Ramalingam.

UU Principles is the theme for July Worship

5th Principle – Right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregation and in society at large

July 3 – “Voice Still and Small” We affirm our fifth principle, “the right of conscience and theuse of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” What do we do when democracy is under attack?  Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.

July 10 – “Just Because you Can…” Have you ever heard the phrase “Just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should?” This multigen service will remind us that our conscience is an important part of our decision making process. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Zach Woodward.

July 17 “Meditation” If you can breathe, you can meditate. Michelle Burton leads the service with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.


6th Principle – Goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for al

July 24 – “With Justice for Some” In a religion where protest is practically a sacrament, how can we truly promote justice and equity in a society where it feels like we’re uselessly screaming into the void?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Heather Woodward.

July 31 – “Whad ja Get” As summer progresses, we’ll celebrate the first harvest festival of Lammas as we press on towards “the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all with this multi-gen service.  Dot Everhart leads the service with members of the Wheel of the Year Group as worship associates.

UU Principles is the theme for June Worship

3rd Principle – Accept one another and encourage spiritual grow

June 5 – “Wild and Precious Lives” We celebrate the diversity of our lives in flowers and in stories. Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis preaches with worship associate Nikki Fry.  Bring a flower to in the vases in the front of the church when you arrive.

4th Principle – Search Freely and Responsibly for Truth and Meaning

June 12 – “Searching for Meaning” This service will celebrate the arts. UUCV poets, writers, musicians and artists will share their creativity with us inspiring us to join them as we search for truth and meaning. Dot Everhart leads the service with worship associate Bev Motich. 

June 19 – “Here Comes the Sun” We’ll celebrate the turning of the year as we recognize the Summer Solstice and remind ourselves of the 4th Principle, encouraging us to continue our lifelong “search for truth and meaning.”  Wheel of the Year Small Group will lead the service.

Please plan to stay following worship for our Congregational meeting....AND we will have a “Big Deal” Coffee Hour where we can meet and talk with our new Minister Meg Mathieson who will be starting with UUCV on August 1. 


June 26 – “Bigger than You…Bigger than Me” General Assembly is happening this week. While we may not be able to be there in person, we can join in celebrating the great WE that is unitarian universalism.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Ben Ramirez.
We are meeting in person again (masked in the Sanctuary) and have opened our Social Hall for coffee and visitation with masks optional. Our Religious Education for children are also meeting in person back in their Religious Education classrooms.  Children and their families should enter through the main door and will participate in the beginning of worship and then will move to their Religious Education Classrooms.  Masks will be required over nose and mouth.     Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

2nd Principle – Justice, Equity and Compassion

May 1 – “Let it Be A Dance” We will celebrate the fire festival of Beltane while also reminding ourselves of the call of the second principle of promoting “justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.”   Dot Everhart leads the service with Wheel of the Year small group members as worship associates.

May 8 – “Find your Worship” Worship is a fundamental part of being a human, but we all do it in different ways. Let this be the year where you find the way you worship!  Ben Ramirez leads the service with worship associate Cheryl Parsons. 

 May 15 – “Tug of War” How should Unitarian Universalists respond if war ever arrives on American shores? How will UUs live out principles like justice, equity, and compassion in the context of significant, sustained disruptions to everyday life in Hometown, USA? 

Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) Wes Balmer, a US Army War College student and UU chaplain will discuss these important questions as well as provide an overview of the role of military chaplains.  Molly Wilkinson is worship associate.


3rd Principle – Accept one another and encourage spiritual growth

May 22 – “Parenting Sunday” Parenting is hard. Especially these days. Today, UUCV celebrates all the adults who parent our children, honoring the struggles, the successes, and everything in between.  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with UUCV children as the worship associates.

May 29 – “Live a Life Worth Living” What makes a life worth living? We affirm our third principle, “acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.” We observe Memorial Day.  Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis leads the service with worship associate Bev Motich. 

UU Prinicples is the Worship Theme for April
1st Principle – Remember your inherent worth and dignity.

April 3 – “First Things First”  As we begin several months with the UU principles as our worship themes, we begin with the First Principle.Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis leads the service. 

April 10 – “What’s that Worth?” Our first UU principle calls us to “respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” We’ll explore various ways of measuring ourselves. What IS our worth? How do we respect dignity? Dot Everhart leads the service.

April 17 – “The Women of Easter” The women of UUCV celebrate the women of Easter. Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis, Rev. Chris Kapp and Dot Everhart lead the service.  

April 24 – “The Kids are Alright” The teens of UUCV are not our future. They are our present. Today, we will hear from them, opening our ears and hearts to what they have to teach us.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with our UUCV teens participating in the service.

We are meeting in person again (masked) and have opened our Social Hall for coffee and visitation with masks optional. 

Our Religious Education for children are also meeting in person.  Children and their families should enter through the main door and will participate in the beginning of worship and then will move to the dining room where safe distancing tables and activities will be set up.  Masks will be required over nose and mouth.  

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

Connection is the Worship Theme for March

March 6 – “Blessed (re)Assurance” When life and the world turn us upside down, who or what can we turn to? Are we alone in the eye of the hurricane of our own making, or is something or someone there with us?  Dr. Rev. Kathy Ellis preaches and Rev. Chris Kapp preach with worship associate Dot Everhart.

March 13 – “Wanted, Needed, Welcome” This Sunday, we welcome the new members who have joined our church since the great Zoom Migration of 2020, and we answer questions you didn’t know you had — like what’s with all the spider plants in the building? What happens to the water from Joys and Sorrows every week? Where do I fit in here at uucv? Chris Kapp leads the service.

March 20 – “Wheel of the Spring Equinox” This service occurs on the actual day of the Vernal Equinox, also called “Ostara.” Members of our two Wheel of the Year SGM groups will serve as worship leaders and worship associates. We will call to the four directions to open and close the service. Our reflections will guide us to explore various ways we can care for the Earth in our daily lives as we celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year. 

March 27 – “Blazing New Trails”  Last year we successfully Navigated Uncharted Waters and now we’re ready to Blaze New Trails.  Stay tuned for more information about the trail, sights we’ll see along the way, and what we’ll find at the end of our next shared adventure.  In the meantime, stay hydrated and get ready to Blaze New Trails!   Members from the Board of Trustees and your Annual Budget Drive Committee will lead the service.

Love is the Worship Theme for February

February 6 – “Faithfully” “Unitarian Universalism is our “Faith Tradition” though that word challenges some of us.  What does it mean to live a life full of faith?
What does a Faith-full community look like? Rev. Craig Schwalenberg leads the service.

February 13 – “Love is a Word” I love pizza. I love my kiddos. I love my partner. I Love YOU! Why do we use the same word for all these different ideas? Love is a powerful, nuanced word. Let’s explore how other languages express what we only have one word for in English.  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Lisa Citarella.

February 20 – “Love is a Verb” Love is as love does. Or is it? Or does it? Huh? What does love look like when it’s put into action?  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Bev Motich.

February 27 – “Universal(ist) Love” Our Universalist tradition began as a heresy of Love– a belief about the power of Love. What’s so controversial, so powerful, about universal, abiding Love? Hundreds of years later, the call remains the same, “Love the Hell out of the world!”  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.
We are meeting in person again beginning February 6. Join us for worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685 Our Religious Education for children will also begin meeting on February 6.  Children and their families should enter through the door off the parking lot and go straight to the dining room where safe distancing tables and activities will be set up.  Masks will be required. Social Hour in the Social Hall Stay tuned…if all the numbers keep dropping, and the safety measures we have in place for the RE program go well, we are hoping to open up our Social Hall after worship in mid-February.

January Worship

January 2 – “Befriending Fear” Fear is one of our most useful emotions, but we are constantly trying to distance ourselves from it. What could it look like if we stopped running and spent some time with it instead?  Riley Johnson leads the service with worship associate Nikki Fry.

January 9 – “Your Word” Some years back, a member of a congregation I served shared her new year’s ritual. She chose a word for the coming year. That word would be a meditation, a mantra, a focus for her. It’s an interesting spiritual practice. Some times one word isn’t enough. I wonder what word or words I should choose for 2022. What’s your word? Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Riley Johnson.

January 16 – January 16 – “The Eighth Principle?” “We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in our ourselves and our institutions.” Can the Eighth Principle help us live more fully into our UU values and mission?  Cheryl Parsons will lead the service with worship associates Wendy Gebb and members of the Social Justice Committee.

January 23 – “Falling, Dropping and Falling” There is an art to falling down and dropping balls. There is a purpose and meaning in failing. They can all be painful. Life is all about knowing they are inevitable and moving forward anyway. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Chris Kapp.

January 30 – “What’s Next?” All is in flux. The world is always changing, as are we. Change can be scary; it can be exciting. It helps to acknolwedge what’s changed. And then, with a sense of purpose, decide together, “What’s next?” Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.

December Worship

December 5 – “Stories of the Season” Join Rev. Craig for an intergenerational service of stories of the season. Songs and stories and readings from other faiths and traditions. Chris Kapp joins as worship associate.   

December 12 – “And it is Quiet” A guided, meditative service. Like silence but not really silent.  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Bev Motich.   

December 19 – “A Light in the Darkness”  There is a reason so many holidays are celebrated this time of the year. A reason for so many candles, fires, and twinkling lights. In the long cold night of winter, we all need a light in the darkness. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Dot Everhart.   

December 24 – 5:00 PM “Following the Star” Join us in our sanctuary or on-line for UUCV’s traditional candlelight Christmas Eve service. The ancient story of Christmas is one of perseverance and hope. Let us celebrate each beacon of hope and all those who journey towards them. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.  

December 26 – “The End is the Beginning” As we close out another year, we think about the things that were and what could be. The end isn’t really the end, is it? Join us as we burn away the old and set inention for the new  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Nikki Fry. 

We are now meeting in person or Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

November Worship

November 7 – “The Circle of Blessings”
Those who are abundantly blessed are obligated to share those blessings. Some blessings lead to lives of expanding abundance. The circle turns ever on.  Let us share with you the circle of blessing that is the Mozambique Bursary ministry. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with participants from the Mozambique Bursary Committee.  

November 14 – “The Blessing Booth”  The little, wooden bright yellow booth says, “Free UU Blessings!”  Free? That’s a hard offer to resist…. but, what’s a UU blessing?
Find out and receive yours and learn how to create and give your own. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Dot Everhart.  

November 21 – “You’re Welcome” We all understand the holiday of Thanksgiving being about giving thanks.  But what about the 2nd part? What about receiving thanks? How are we at that?  Come, let’s celebrate Thanks Giving and Thanks Receiving.  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Ben Ramirez.  

November 28 – “The Attitude of Gratitude“ Thanksgiving is a special day for many families. Myths about the first Thanksgiving abound. Regardless of the myths, one important takeaway about Thanksgiving is that an attitude of gratitude yields mental, physical, and spiritual health benefits whenever we adopt it. One choice is to incorporate gratitude practices into our lives in order to reap these benefits, which are especially desirable in these challenging times.  Dot Everhart leads the service with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

NOTE:  ZOOM channel and Meeting ID Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

October Worship

October 3 – “Let Justice Roll Down, and Out and Around”
Reflections on justice in our US and UU histories and strategies for moving justice forward in our PA General Assembly. The service will include a call to join in our work and opportunities to take action. Guest Minister Rev. Joan M. Sabatino, Director, UUJusticePA will lead the service with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

Justice Roots; Just Possibilities, Rev. Joan M. Sabatino, Minister Emerita First UU Church of Indiana & UUPLAN Director of Legislative Affairs
Rev. Joan will share her thoughts on the role of justice embedded in the roots of our Unitarian Universalist faith. With these roots as our foundation, she will suggest how on we can stand tall and firm in our UU values, based on our UU principles, as we move justice forward in PA. About our Guest Speaker: Rev. Joan M. Sabatino served as Minister of the First UU Church in Indiana, PA for over fifteen years. During that time, she and the congregation worked together to change their image in the community by being a consistent legitimate voice for liberal religion in a small, conservative western PA town. Consequently, First UU grew significantly. The congregation granted her Emerita status upon her retirement in June 2019, While in Indiana, PA Joan co-created and co-chaired the Center for Community Growth a progressive advocacy group. The Center helped elect several UUs to the Indiana Borough Council, the Indiana Area School Board, and a County Commissioner. She is the mother of three adult daughters, has one 11-year-old grandson and two infant granddaughters born three weeks apart this summer. She has moved to Harrisburg in 2019 to take her job with UUJusticePA. She lives a quick 15 minute walk to the Capital in a small row house with her dog Lady. October

10 – “Once Upon a Time – Unitarian Universalism – Part 1” All stories have a beginning, an origin, a “once upon a time.” Come here the origin stories we tell of our faith tradition, Unitarian Universalism.  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Julie Ham. 

October 17 – “Once Upon a Time – Unitarian Universalism – Part 2” What’s this congregation’s origin story? I can’t tell it– I just got here. So, we’ll have to tell the story together. The more tellers, the better the tale. (Let me know what you would include, if you were telling the story.)  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.  

October 24 – “The Invisible Choir“ O May I join the choir invisible; Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence…” writes poet, George Eliot. We know many who were here but are now gone– who left their mark upon us. Let’s remember them, name them, honor them, and thank them.  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Ben Ramirez. 

October 31 – “Celebrating Samhain: Honoring the Earth” An earth-based service calling on the four directions. Samhain.  Dot Everhart and Riley Johnson lead the service with worship associate Kristen Markley.

NOTE:  ZOOM channel and Meeting ID Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685 

September Worship

September 5 – “But It’s Not FAIR! 
Children want things to be fair. As adults, we try to strive for justice and equity, so why do we sometimes still stamp our feet when things don’t feel ‘fair’?  Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.    

September 12 – “Welcome” All water was once a part of the ocean. All water returns to the ocean. We are all a part of this cycle of expanding and returning. As we return together, return to our sanctuary, let us all be Welcome!  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Julie Ham.   This service will be held at the Cumberland Drive-In 3290 Ritner Hwy, Newville beginning at 10:30 am.

September 19 – “Weaving the Golden Thread”  There are truths and there are Truths. Join Julie Ham and Chris Bilger as they explore the golden threads of Truth that are woven across traditions and through our own lives. Michele Burton serves as worship associate for this service.  

September 26 – “Best Friends” It’s said that humans and dogs are the best of friends. It wasn’t always that way, of course. Such relationships take time and intention. Service animals, therapy animals, working dogs and more…Join us in exploring and celebrating these special relationships. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associates Chris Kapp and Dan Cozort.  

NOTE: NEW ZOOM channel and Meeting ID Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

August Worship

August 1 – “Hello”
Life is all “hello’s” and “goodbye’s” and mastering the art of both. Today, we get to practice the “hello” part — and whatever comes after that.  Join us as we welcome Rev. Craig Schwalenberg to our UU Family as our preacher with worship associate Dot Everhart.  

August 8 – “In the Interim” There are liminal spaces and liminal times and even liminal positions and people. There is a special magic in the In-Between. We are in the interim together, sharing this special ministry. What does that mean?  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Michele Burton.  

August 15 – “Resilience” What does it mean to be resilient? How do we create communities and people of resilience? Fortunately, it isn’t hard and we are ideally suited for it. Fortunately, it isn’t hard and we are ideally suited for it.  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Chris Bilger.  

August 22 – “Grace & Humor” Life has been WEIRD for the last couple of years. Sometimes, it feels like if we don’t laugh, we’ll lose it. Our congregation has chosen to embrace this season with Grace and Humor. What have we learned from our years of grace and humor?  Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.  

August 29 – “Repair, Restore & Reimagine” Our Unitarian Universalists Service Committee has chosen these words as their current motto. Considering the past year and looking to the year ahead, they seem like a good mantry for UUCV too.  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Riley Johnson.

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

July Worship

July 4 – “Free to Be UU and Me” What does it mean to be free? Who has freedom? What does this mean for our congregation and the way forward? Riley Johnson preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.  

July 11 – “The Other “F” Word” As a religious community we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person. How can we live into this value in a more inclusive way?  Emily Crutcher preaches with worship associate Chris Kapp.  

July 18 – “Transitions and Transformations” Change alone is unchanging. Sometimes we welcome it; sometimes we yearn for it. Sometimes we dread it; sometimes we are shocked by it.  We celebrate. We grieve. Nevertheless, change persists and we also change. Today’s service will reference the new movie “In the Heights”. If you get a chance to see it before the service, it is a highly recommended film.  Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis preaches with worship associate Cheryl parsons.  

July 25- “A Blank Page” We are on the cusp of a new chapter in our congregation. A blank page lies before us. How will we use our collective pens?  Worship Associates will lead and participate in the service.  

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

June Worship

June 6 – “Opting In” 
What does it mean to choose a faith community?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Ben Ramirez. 

June 13 – “RE Sunday” Despite everything, how has our community grown and thrived this year?  Rev. Aija Siimpson, along with various families and members of the RE Committee lead this service. 

June 20 – “Letting Go” Time to say good bye. What’s next?  Join us for this very special service as we say good-bye to our beloved Rev. Aija.  There will be many new and old faces helping to lead this service and a few surprises as well. 

June 27- General Assembly

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896

May Worship

May 2 – “The Frame is a Mirror” How do we move forward where there is no framework? Can we trust that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, that we have what we need to affect change? Chris Kapp and Riley Johnson lead the service with worship associate Nikki Fry.

May 9 – “Again & Again & Again” It can seem like the work of transforming the world is never ending. How do we keep going? Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Cathy Dewalt.

May 16 – “You Wouldn’t do that if I was a Dude” …. and other life lessons from a female minister. Rev. Aija Simpson preaches. Our Town Hall will take place immediately following worship on ZOOM.

May 23 – “Building Beauty” We celebrate parents day with our annual Flower Ceremony. Join us at the Cumberland Drive-in for this service. Rev. Aija Simpson is preaching with worship associate Chris Bilger.

May 30 – “Memorial Day for us All” How we remember our loved ones who passed away. Gisela Roethke leads the service with worship associate Julie Ham.

April Worship

April 4 – 
“Easter” What happens when we don’t know what comes next?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Chris Kapp.

April 11 – “Flying the Plane While We Build It”  What if we can’t wait for the perfect time to learn something new? How do we make change in the middle? Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Nikki Fry.

April 18 –  “New Old Ways”  How do we balance old wisdom and new? Are different ways of being doomed to be in conflict? Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Bev Motich.

April 25 – “Widening the Circle of Concern”  How do institutions change?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Ian Harris. 

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896

March Worship

March 7 – 
“Religion and Patriarchy, Women and Water”  How did Earth Centered traditions become one of our sources? What does it mean to us now?  Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis is worship leader with worship associate Dot Everhart.

March 14 – “What are we saving exactly?”  How do the rhythms of nature impact our disconnected lives?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Riley Johnson.

March 21 –  “So it’s spring? Really?”  Our seasons are changing. How do we grapple with a the ways climate change is already changing our world?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Molly Wilkinson.

March 28 –  Celebrate our connection to our Mother Earth”  How can we feel connected to the life Force and Divine in the more than human world of Nature.  Michele Burton is service leader with worship associate Cheryl Parsons. 

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896

February Worship

February 7 – 
 “What Beautiful Thing are We Becoming?”  ‘Becoming’ is a funny word, because it means beautiful as well as the process of arriving at a state of being.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Gisela Roethke.

February 14 – “We Need Not be Perfect to Witness Justice”  “Judge not lest ye be judged is a reminder that this silk-slippered socialist nudges herself while laughing. Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.

February 21 –  “Honoring the Stories of Black Voices in Poetry, Prose, & Song”  Join us to honor the stories of Black voices as expressed in poetry, prose, and song, presented by worship leader Cheryl Parsons, worship associate Riley Johnson and assisted by members of the UUCV Antiracism Initiative.

February 28 – “How do we live with our competing instincts to protect and to cultivate?”   I want to hold you safe. I also want you to fly. Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.  

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896 

January Worship

January 3 – 
“Letting Go/Holding On” Join us as we discern what we need to let go of and what we need to hold tight.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Riley Johnson.  

January 10 – “The Miracle of a Haircut”  Samson, Delilah and the power of an outfit.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Molly Wilkinson.

January 17 –  “Just A Closer Walk with Thee”  Does faith power your work?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

January 24 – “The Bad News”   Contrary to popular understanding, the Hebrew prophets rarely told of a longed for future. Instead, they warned of the ways our current behavior would damn us. What are our modern prophets telling us now?   Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Molly Wilkinson.  

January 31 – “Who Says We Can’t Go Home”  Like visiting your hometown for a high school reunion, revisiting old beliefs can be….awkward. Or is the right word comforting?  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Ben Ramirez.

December Worship

December 6 – 
“Count the Stars” Experiencing the Awesome Awe-some.  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Bev Motich. 

December 13 – “Can We Believe in Miracles?” What does it take to imagine that there might be miracles in the world?   Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Ben Ramirez.

December 20 –  “The Longest Night” Beauty in the Dark.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Cathy Dewalt. 

December 24 – “Music and Lights” Join us on ZOOM at 5:30 PM for music and candle lighting.  Rev. Aija Simpson leads the service. 

December 27 –  “The Grand Pause”  Life is so much easier when we’re in possession of all the facts and in control of our own destinies… right?  But what might we discover if we learned to embrace our ignorance—and even our powerlessness—as gifts?  Rev. David speaks a bit more than usual from behind the virtual piano as he leads a music-filled service about mystery, wonder, and (gasp) faith.