Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive, evidence-based sexuality class that UUs helped develop to teach how to value our sacred bodies and our sexuality throughout the lifespan. From the UUA website:

While Our Whole Lives is secular, it is not value-free. The program gives clear messages about the following key sexuality issues:

  • self worth
  • sexual health
  • responsibility
  • justice and inclusivity

Our Whole Lives recognizes and respects the diversity of participants with respect to biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and disability status. The activities and language used throughout the program have been carefully chosen to be as inclusive as possible of this human diversity.

Read more about OWL on the UUA website


Every year between September and June, we will offer an OWL class at UUCV. Each class will focus on a specific age group, and every year we will rotate which age group is selected based on interest. Dates for 2022-2023 will be published in the near future. We offer the following classes:

Grades 7-9 (ages 12-14)

Adult OWL (18+)

Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators Small Group Click here to learn more on the UUA website

OWL classes for children and youth are free for UU members and their children, and open to community members for a fee (sliding scale available). If you or your child/children are interested in participating in OWL, email us.