Change for the World…Tomorrow’s Neighbors
January, February, March
The CFTW for January, February and March is Tomorrow’s Neighbors, whose name is based on the reality that 90% of everyone in prison will someday be released. This Organization seeks to help these people become good neighbors by using an 8 step Re-entry program, before they are released. To help with housing, Tomorrow’s Neighbors operates the13 bed Cumberland House in Carlisle, which opened in May, 2023, and provides former inmates with safe, supportive and affordable housing. The former inmates are eligible for 2 months free rent, while they search for gainful employment. At this time, Pennsylvania has a 68% recidivism rate, while Tomorrow’s Neighbors had only one houseguest returned to prison!
Tomorrow’s Neighbors was named the 2022 Non-Profit for the year by the Partnership for Better Health, and its director, Kurt Denysh, was named a Catalyst of Change by the Commonwealth.
UUCV Book Group – January
January 26 – Solito by Javier Zamara (Darlene Smith leads discussion)
A memoir of a nine year old boy making the long arduous journey alone from El Salvador to the United States. A memoir as gripping as it is moving, Solito provides an immediate and intimate account not only of a treacherous and near-impossible journey, but also of the miraculous kindness and love delivered at the most unexpected moments. Solito is Javier Zamora’s story, but it’s also the story of millions of others who had no choice but to leave home. Everyone who has any anti-immigrant sentiments need to read this, and it is gripping. 2022, 416 pp.
The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel
Become a UUCV Greeter!
Ready to get to know UU members and attendees better? Or to help greet and welcome folks on Sunday mornings? The Membership Committee will be offering a training session for folks who are interested in helping with greeting and welcoming folks to our church.
Church greeters could also be known as Ministers of Hospitality – and there is no lengthy seminary training required for these ministers – just one training session with the Membership Committee and then any support from that committee that is helpful. The main responsibilities of a greeter are to let all people know that they are welcome at UUCV – and especially to help provide a positive experience for all first time visitors.
Join us on January 26th at 9:00am in the boardroom. You will be most welcome! We’ll start with coffee and refreshments then share tips, suggestions, handouts, and links to further information.
No homework – and no expectation that you will actually sign on as a greeter – we promise no arm twisting! Sign up sheet is located in the Social Hall – or email [email protected].
MLK, Jr. Commemoration Service
The 36th Annual MLK Commemoration Service will be held on January 19, 2025 at 4 PM at The Meeting House located at 1155 Walnut Bottom Road in Carlisle. The service will feature music, readings, a keynote speaker and presentation of scholarship awards. The service will be followed by a reception. Attached is a flyer with more details.
News from the Mozambique Bursary Committee
It’s not too late to donate! Your contribution provides the forever gift of education. $445 supports one girl for one year. Smaller donations make a difference, too. With a smaller donation, you can buy a girl a school uniform, pens and paper, or breakfast.
Make checks payable to UUCV, with “Mozambique Bursary” in the memo line. You can also use the link or QR codes shared during Sunday morning worship. Keep in mind that if you donate using a third party provider, the company may deduct a portion of your donation as a service fee.
Open Auction Events – Sign up in the Social Hall on the Auction Table.
Our auction was a great success and hope all of you that attended had a wonderful time. AND….the really good news is there are still events open for anyone to sign-up for. Please check out the sign-ups on the Auction Table in the Social Hall. Sign up for the event you want and send payment to Pam in the office with “Auction” written in the memo line.
January 24 6 – 8:30 PM Date Night Drop Off $25 ($10 each additional child) (Lynn Sodora and Pam Martin)
January 31 6:30 PM Before, During & After for Poetry Lovers $30 (Wendy Gebb and Cheryl Parsons)
UUCV Winter Weather Policy
With the winter weather setting in, just a reminder that UUCV follows the South Middleton School District Weather Cancellation Policy. If the District is on a 2-hour delay, UUCV will run on a 2-hour delay in the mornings. If the District is closed, UUCV will be closed and all activities scheduled to be held at UUCV will be cancelled as well.
For Sundays, we will do our best to make decisions before Sunday service. An email will be sent out and you can check our facebook page and our website for cancellation information.
And, as always, use your own best judgement on traveling if the weather is bad.
UUCV Family News
Bee Miller is at a rehab facility following surgery for a broken ankle. Cards can be sent to Bee at Swaim Building, 210 Big Spring Road, Room 220, Newville, PA 17241.
Check out UUCV Announcements on our website under NEWS or