The Hospitality Committee is a separate committee with its own budget. Ideally the committee will have a chair and co-chair. Unlike some committees, this committee does not have monthly meetings. The committee will meet during the Fall and Spring Building and Grounds Days and focus on kitchen needs and discuss any issues or items for discussion on those days.  The committee may also call for a general meeting if the need arises. The purpose of the committee is to coordinate the necessary tasks, food, beverages, and supplies for dedicated events such as:

  • Social hour after Christmas Eve service
  • Memorial services for members of the congregation
  • “Pop up” events such as a summer picnic or potlucks that are not fundraising events
  • Oversight of the kitchen tools and facilities
  • Consulting on kitchen usage and rules for outside parties
  • Guidance for committees that plan events that include the use of the kitchen

PLEASE NOTE: The Hospitality Committee is not responsible for events held on UUCV property that individual members of the congregation propose, promote, and organize. If requested, the Hospitality Committee may provide assistance or guidance for this type of event.

Tasks for events include the following:

  • Planning food and beverages
  • Arrange for purchase or donation of food
  • Set up and clean up
  • Serving during the event
  • Taking a turn when the facility is rented out to open and lock up the building, empty trash, and be available during the event
  • Ensure that ingredient cards that list common allergens are available for use when congregants bring food to the church

The church administrator will notify a member of the committee when a need for committee services is necessary. The administrator will provide details of the event and what is needed from the committee. The committee member who is notified will send a group email soliciting help to those who have expressed interest in helping with the committee. Members are encouraged to reply to all group members so that the committee can plan for the event.  It is the responsibility of each individual to notify the group if that member wants to be removed from the committee.

Supplies for dedicated events:

Christmas Eve Service

  • Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, iced water, cookies
  • Cocktail napkins, cocktail plates, cups, forks

Memorial Services

  • Vegetable Tray
  • Fruit Tray
  • Snackers Delight Party Tray: (includes variety of cheese, pepperoni, and salami)
  • Cookie Lovers Variety Tray

For more information, email Rebecca Fratantuono or Emily Cappucci