Choir without mid-week rehearsals?

It’s true!  Like a fish pondering a bicycle, the UUCV choir is moving away from mid-week rehearsals and shifting to a Sundays-only model!

If you’ve ever considered joining the choir, but have difficulty committing to mid-week rehearsals, this is your chance!

If your schedule makes it difficult to commit to multiple weeks of rehearsal in preparation for a choir performance, this is your chance!

If you’ve read the research that suggests it’s healthier to wake at the same time every day, and needed something to get you out of bed earlier on Sundays, this is your chance!  (Okay, this one seems somewhat less likely.…)

Starting this Sunday, September 29, the UUCV Choir has a new attendance policy: simply join us in the Sanctuary a few minutes before 8:45 AM on the Sunday morning we sing.  That’s it!  We’ll learn and polish all of the music for that morning’s service during that 8:45 rehearsal, and you’ll have a break from 9:45 to 10:30 to caffeinate, practice self-care, and prepare for worship.  We ask that choir singers wear all black, or black with a “splash” of a particular color theme.  (The schedule of upcoming choir Sundays, including the color theme for the day, if applicable, is included on the choir page of the UUCV website.)

Singers need not have any prior experience in choral singing, music-reading, or voice training, and no auditions are required.  So come join us!

Questions?  Ask a current choir member, or contact David.  We’ll look forward to singing with you!