Worship in March

The Worship theme for March is TRANSFORMATION


March 3 – “The Fight for Justice”   Too often, we think of Atheists and Agnostics as devoid of spiritual practices. This isn’t exactly true. We all feed our souls in some way, and when striving for justice feeds your soul, activism becomes spiritual practice, and protest a sacrament. Melissa Mattson takes a dive into the Women of Unitarian Universalism and their drive for justice and equality with worship associate Susan Rimby..


March 10 – “Giving and Receiving: Acts of Love”  Many of us have experienced pledge and volunteer drives for this community. When I think of UUCV, I see and experience a community filled with support and love for each other and a commitment to our principles. Your support in time and treasure should be thought of as Acts of Love. There are numerous examples we can see every Sunday and throughout the week of these Acts of Love. During Cottage Meetings, UUCVers expressed their very strong concerns about finances and volunteerism. It is time to translate concern into Action. The results of the cottage meetings will be discussed in support of the kick off for the Pledge/Volunteer Drive.  Jim Burton leads the service with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.


March 17 – “Ostara”  Join us for a very special all-ages worship services in celebration of Ostara, the spring equinox. The first day of Spring is knocking on our window sill. What wishes would you like the breeze to carry for you? Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associates Candice and Lily Holsinger.


March 24 “A Holi Joy” – When we let go of inhibitions, of regret, of failures and wrongs committed by and against us, we free our spirits to experience joy unhindered. Join us as we celebrate Holi – a festival of color and joy.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Primajoy Ramalingam and Music Folks.


March 31 “The Audacious Courage of Resurrection” It’s the resurrection that makes the Easter story seem so impossible. What do we need to resurrect in our own lives, and how can we bring ourselves to roll away the stones of fear that hold us back?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Susan Lara.


Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685