Religious Education for Children and Youuth

Below is our Faith Development schedule for our children and youth for February: 

Sunday, February 4: Regular RE Classes

Sunday, February 11:   Regular RE Classes
Sunday, February 18:   Love & Justice – Worship Service for All Ages:  Join us for this family-focused service for all ages.  There is NO RE today.  Busy bags and activity pages are available on the racks in the Annex.  Nursery care (for ages 0-4) will be available during the service.  
Sunday, February 25:   All-Ages Activity (“Triple A”) – Women’s History Month:  After the Time for All Ages the children and youth will head downstairs to the Dining Hall for a group lesson/activity celebrating the upcoming Women’s History Month.   RE helpers and snack donations are welcome!
NURSERY CARE is available every Sunday from 10:15 – 11:45 am for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Our Sunday Morning Worship Services being at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.  On “Regular RE” days, the children and youth go downstairs to their RE classrooms after the Time for All Ages.  Classes end at 11:45 am.**Please sign out children in Grades 5 and under from their classrooms by 11:45.** This gives parents the opportunity to socialize before pickup, while respecting the Volunteer Teachers’ time as well.   
Thank you to all our January volunteers!  Ryanne Mack, Julie Cullings, Susan Green, Susan Rimby, Rebecca Fratantuono, Kim Stone, Wendy Gebb, Primajoy Ramalingam, Gail Black, Laura Soper, John Simcoe, Dirk Wiley, Dianne Dusman, Rev. Chris Kapp and Melissa Mattson. Thank you so much for your time and energy! Members of the Congregation are encouraged to volunteer with the Children’s RE Program! Please email Lynn Sodora DLFD at [email protected] to check in about submitting clearances.May we continue to learn and grow together
!In faith and service,