February Worship

The Worship Theme for February is Justice and Equality:

February 4 – “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” The funny thing about history is that it’s usually written by the winners….which means it’s not always completely accurate. So how can we take steps to address our problematic histories, own our failings, and move forward so it doesn’t repeat itself?  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Ginny Ivanoff.

February 11 – “Crossing the Great Divide” Our society has a deep problem: we are deeply divided into political camps that seem irreconcilable. How many of us have struggled with friends or family members who espouse beliefs that are at odds with ours, beliefs that seem anathema to us? Today, it is important that we find ways to bridge our political differences if we hope to save our democracy. It may seem a daunting task to engage with political opponents, but there are ways to do it that are relatively easy. Guest Speaker Steve Buckingham leads the service with worship associate Michael Fratantuono.

February 18 – “Love and Justice”  Join us for a special all-ages worship service celebrating our UU core value, LOVE. How can love lead us in the fight against injustice? Are we allowing our love of humanity and the earth to guide us in our daily lives? Are we actively doing the work our values call us to do? Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Ash Hersh.

February 25 “The words we put in Jesus’ Mouth” – A popular saying in Christianity is WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? Unfortunately, the typical answer to that question is far from the lessons Jesus actually taught. This Sunday, we’ll explore the contrast between what Jesus actually said and the words folks too often put into his mouth.  Rev.Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Mary Reichart.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685