December Worship Services

The Worship Theme for December is MYSTERY

December 3 –“And Yet There is So Much Light” Chalica Candles, advent wreaths, menorahs, our chalice….there is so much light this time of year. Just as all these lights illuminate our sanctuary, one tiny spark of hope can break through the darkness of despair.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Susan Lara.

December 10 – “Made of Star Stuff” “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” Astronomer John Flood discusses the mysteries of the universe.  John Flood leads the service with worship associate Matthew Burr.

December 17 – “Sacred Time?”   Let’s explore the mystery of sacred time and space. What is the relationship between the two? What differentiates sacred moments from secular or profane moments? Are they mutually exclusive? In this reflective service we’ll examine the aspects of attention, context, relationship, reverence, and intention involved in recognizing, creating, and honoring sacred moments in our lives. Cheryl Parsons leads the service with worship associate Ash Hersh

December 24 (Christmas Eve 5:00pm Service Only) –“For Unto Us”Just three days after our Journey into Darkness for the Winter Solstice, celebrate the return of light and hope to our Sanctuary with our annual Christmas Eve service at 5 PM. Join us for this moving service of singing and storytelling, as we celebrate the light of life and promise of hope wrapped up in the birth of each child. Following the service, there will be a special time of Christmas Celebration in our social hall, as we share cookies, cocoa, coffee, and cheer with one another on this special night.  Rev.Chris Kapp and Lynn Sodora lead the service.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 5:00 PM or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

December 31 – “Finishing Well” In tasks, as in life, we tend to start strong. Then life hapens and things get messy in the middle. How can finishing well bouy our spirits and help set us up for a new year?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Max Donnelly.