Dan Cozort invites you…

Dan Cozort invites UUCV members and friends who are interested to sit in on his last course at Dickinson before retiring: “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.” It will happen via Zoom, synchronously M-F 9:30-11:20 a.m., Tuesday June 1 to Friday July 2. The course description:

Robert Pirsig’s novel (based on his own experience) is a fascinating blend: a travelogue (a motorcycle trip from Minneapolis to the Pacific Ocean with his twelve-year-old son); a tale of psychological terror (the narrator’s old, insane personality, erased by electroshock therapy, seems to be re-emerging); and a philosophical exploration. “What is Quality?” (i.e., what is “good”?) is the narrator’s preoccupation as he drives. He thinks about the Greek philosophers, the Chinese wisdom text called the Dao De Jing, and our tricky relationship with technology, among other topics. In this course we will explore the many issues raised by the book, and perhaps by the end will have a much better understanding of how we know what is “good” and what is not good.