Auction 2017 Accepting Donations through October 13

Auction 2017 – The Roaring Twenties – Saturday, November 11

Thank you to all who have generously and creatively made donations to the Auction. Donations will be gratefully accepted up to the end of THIS week, Friday, October 13. Donation forms can be completed online by visiting or you can pick up a form at the church during office hours. Please place completed paper forms in the box on the Auction Table in the Social Hall.

Please get the actual Silent Auction Items to the stage in the Social Hall on or before Friday, October 13. If you need help delivering an item, please contact Wendy Gebb at 717-706-9924 or [email protected].

Once all the items and donations are collected, Melissa and Wendy will tackle the task of creating the Auction booklet so it will be available several weeks prior to the actual Auction. The booklet contains the particulars about the schedule for the evening of the Auction and provides a picture and description of all Items and Events that will be sold at the Auction. You will be able to map out in advance what interests you and then, let the bidding begin!

See you at the Auction. It’s the Bees Knees!