Worship: “Letter from the Birmingham Jail: MLK’s Push Towards Justice”

January 14 – “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” MLK’s Push Towards Justice”  We will explore the profound impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter, written during his incarceration, and its enduring relevance in our pursuit of justice today.  Through the lens of Dr. King’s words, we will examine the challenges and struggles faced in the fight for justice, both then and now.  Derail Holcomb is our guest speaker with worship associate Mary Reichart.

Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary at 10:30am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

About our Guest Speaker: My spiritual journey began at 12 when I surrendered my life to Jesus, which is what was understood and taught at this particular place of worship. The worship experiences throughout my upbringing at this Pentecostal/Baptist church opened a broad range of legalistic beliefs that led to my desire to seek scriptural understanding. In 2011, I attended Barry University in Miami, FL, and graduated with a BA in Public Administration. I passionately desired to work with government contracts and the legal industry during this time. However, I acknowledged this continual call to ministry and decided it would be best to pursue this goal. 

In July 2016, I enrolled at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to pursue a Master of Divinity degree. This academic work aided my theological quest for discovery and gave me a foundation. The teachings and lectures I experienced were majorly different from the hazardous rules and traditions of my theological upbringing, which I was ordained into in 2009. During this time, I underwent Hebrew and Greek language courses to assist in my academic reading of the biblical text.  I shortly discovered that languages were not my strong suit. With struggle, however, in May of 2019, I completed the MDiv coursework and graduated with a Masters of Divinity and a Graduate Certificate in Urban Ministry. 

I am excited about my future. Throughout my academic journey, I have overcome many obstacles, yet I have grown increasingly aware of Love and Light and the wonder of their amazement. My theology has been formed, transformed, and reshaped through the stepping stones of struggle. I have realized that my understanding of God, Love and Life is continuously evolving and will continue to develop for the rest of my life.  My accomplishments have played a large part in preparing me for this journey along the Unitarian Universalist path