3 opportunities to join the March For Our Lives movement. 

Join the March For Our Lives movement!


Sunday, March 11th at 2:00 pm at the Old Courthouse in Carlisle. Students from Carlisle High School will hold a gun control rally.  Speakers include: Mayor Tim Scott, Borough Councilman Sean Crampsie, Teacher Ellie Park, and several students.

Saturday, March 24th in Washington D.C. Ride the UUCV bus to the March For Our Lives.  Bus fare is $25. Signup at the Social Justice table in the Social Hall.  More details to follow.

Saturday, March 24th at noon at the State Capitol in Harrisburg.  Students, teachers, and community members will hold a rally and take to the streets of Harrisburg.  They will demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.

SHOW UP and ADD YOUR VOICE to the movement!