September Worship

The Worship theme for
September is Invitation


September 1 – “HOT, HOT, HOT” The old saying goes, ‘Never talk about politics or religion at the dinner table”. How do we have hard conversations about hot topics without blowing our tops?  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate


September 8 – “Water Communion”  This Sunday we will celebrate our annual Water Communion. Please bring a small container of water that symbolizes something special from your summer adventures. This could be water from a summer vacation spot, or water from your backyard. It could be water from your garden hose, or water from your favorite place to swim. From the ocean, a lake, or from your home tap. We will combine our waters in a common bowl as we embark on a new congregational year together. Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Alicia Riegel-Kanth.

September 15 – “Upstairs Church, Downstairs Church”  We kick off our Religious Education year with a reminder that ALL of us are here to learn and grow – from the youngest to the oldest. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associates from the Religious Education Committee.


September 22 – “Pumpkins, Spice, and Everything Nice”  Celebrate Mabon, a harvest festival of gratitude, with us as we embrace all the little basic little joys of autumn. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.


September 29 – “The Power of Invitation”  Often when we think of an invitation, it’s something simple – a call to a gathering, a request to join, or an opening to connect. But an invitation can be much more than a logistical gesture. It’s an opportunity for transformation. Matt Burr leads the service with worship associate Susan Green.


Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685