Worship in May

The Worship theme for

May 5 – “The Great We Are” We are living in a world brimming with diversity. A kalediscope of cultures, religions, ethnicities, and viewpoints swirl around us. This rich tapestry of human experience, though, can sometimes feel like a jumble of clashing patterns. That’s where Pluralism steps in.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service.


May 12 – “Kintsugi Life”  The pressure to be perfect is all around us. When we expect how we look and what we do to be instagram-perfect , we set ourselves up to be highly critical of ourselves when our efforts turn out more like a Pinterest Fail . Why is it so hard to sit with and embrace our imperfections? Why does the idea of letting “good enough” be good enough make us so itchy? Join us for this decidedly non-traditional time of reflection and sharing, as we consider the beauty of our imperfect lives.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Mary Reichart

May 19- “RE Sunday”  Join us this Sunday for a very special all-ages worship service celebrating UUCV’s RE Program. This day brings our 2023-24 RE classes to a close. We will hear from the children and youth, as well as some of their leaders, as to what they accomplished this year. We also honor our many dedicated RE volunteers. Be sure to look for news about our Summer Sundays RE activities. Lynn Sodora leads the service with  our teens and RE folks as worship associates.


May 26 “The House the Love Built”  Sticks and stones may break and go, but love will live forever. Join us as we celebrate the end of our capital campaign, and more importantly this house that love built. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Paula Terry.



Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685