United Way Day of Caring

JOIN UUCV’S TEAM for the annual United Way Day of Caring, which will be held Friday, Oct. 13.

The day will start at 8 a.m. with a kickoff at Dickinson College’s Allison Hall, 99 Mooreland Ave, Carlisle. After the kickoff event ends at roughly 8:30 a.m., volunteers will head out to their locations and arrive between 8:45 and 9 a.m. Projects will wrap up around noon. Lunch will be held at LeTort Park after that.

All volunteers who sign up by the deadline will get the newly designed Day of Caring T-shirts in this year’s color!

If you are interested in donating a couple hours of time to help local organizations complete some hands-on projects, please sign up in the social hall or contact Cindy Good at [email protected]

The deadline to sign up is September 14th