Dinner for 60!!!  Here’s how YOU can help!

UUCV Social Justice Committee is looking for volunteers to provide some food items for a dinner to be delivered to COMMUNITY CARES in Carlisle on Wed, May 6.

To donate, please contact Pam at the church office by Wed, April 29.

NEEDED:  Lasagna (4 Large casseroles),  Tossed Salad (5 large ziplock bags full needed),  Sliced Italian Bread (6 loaves needed),  Butter (2 lb needed),  Salad Dressing (3 Large bottles needed),  Any Desserts, such as cookies, brownies, cupcakes (12 servings – 6 needed),   2 gal milk,  2 gal lemonade,  2 gal iced tea

All food items need to be sent in nonreturnable containers, such as foil pans, plastic ziplock bags, or any disposable containers.

Food items will either be picked up at the church parking lot on Wednesday, May 6 at 3:30, Or you can call Cindy Good at 717-440-2069, or Mike Riesmeyer at 724-822-4105 for pick-up at your home.

Any questions, please call Carol Riesmeyer at 724-822-6423.

THANK YOU  for volunteering to help with this meal!!