Worship: “Deep Listening”

The Light and Shadow Side of Deep Listening – What lies beneath the words we share and what’s missing from being shared at all?   Cheryl Parsons leads the service with … Continue reading Worship: “Deep Listening”

Minister Search Updates

Our UUA minister job posting was approved and became active on the portal on July 24, 2024. We immediately received one application but the candidate did not meet our criteria so we did not move forward with an interview. August has been a quiet month with no applications, but that is not necessarily out of the ordinary for this time of year in the minister search process. We are using this time to make sure our “house” is in order in terms of how we will tell the story of UUCV to prospective candidates in the most attractive and authentic way. We’ll keep you all informed and continue to welcome your input at: tinyurl.com/uucvminister

Sunday Worship

Preaching, music, and ritual remind us that we need each other more than we know.   We are now meeting in person in our Sanctuary as well as on ZOOM which will be online by 10:15 AM to allow attendees to confirm their settings and settle in before worship begins at 10:30.   We are also meeting in person for Social Hour following worship. Click here  join worship on Zoom.

CARES Meal Donations Needed

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