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Are you looking for a safe place because of your race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender, class, disability, beliefs, or other identities? As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm your inherent worth and dignity.

Worship: “Resurrect, Not Restore”

Social Hall PA, United States

We will come back.  We have before and we will again.  We will come back.  But can it ever be the same?  Would we want it to be?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Michele Burton.

Worship: “An Invisible Life”

Social Hall PA, United States

Is it possible to not matter?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Julie Ham.

Worship: “Ripples”

Social Hall PA, United States

Every moment matters. Even the ones you thought you were alone for. Especially the ones you thought you were alone for.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

Worship: “Ripples”

Social Hall PA, United States

Every moment matters.  Even the ones you thought you were alone for.  Especially the ones you thought you were alone for.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching.

Worship: “A Different Life”

Social Hall PA, United States

Imagine a different life.  Different food, different customs, different family, different everything.  Would you want it?  Would you be different if you had it?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Gisela Roethke.

Worship: “Finding Treasure”

Social Hall PA, United States

Join us as we go on a treasure hunt.  Will we follow the clues?  Does X mark the spot?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching.

Worship: “Seeking Balance”

Social Hall PA, United States

The Spring Equinox (March 20) is a time of balance between hours of daylight and night. In this time of challenging news, many people report increasing disequilibrium or feeling unbalanced. We’ll explore some ways to celebrate the equinox and to invite more balance into our lives.  Dot Everhart is preaching with worship associate Michele Burton.

Worship: “Finding Our Gifts”

Social Hall PA, United States

We are all born with gifts and responsibilities.  How do our responsibilities call us to use our gifts?  How do our gifts call us to responsibilities?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching.