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Worship: “All Of Our Parents”

Social Hall PA, United States

On this Father's Day we ask the question: is there something inherently special about fathers? About mothers? About our many gendered parents?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Michele Burton. Guest Accompanist Carole Knisely provides service music.

Worship: “A Chosen Family”

Social Hall PA, United States

What does it mean to be family? Are we living up to our promises?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Christin Kapp.

Worship: “An Agnostic In Seminary: Year One”

Social Hall PA, United States

Teman Cooke reflects back upon his first year as an agnostic seminary student after spending almost 10 years as a physics professor, and discusses what insights he's found interesting and valuable.  Julie Ham is worship associate.

Worship: To You I Give

Social Hall PA, United States

Mothers Day/Flower Communion.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

Worship: “The Web”

Social Hall PA, United States

Pull one string, pull them all.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching.

Worship: “Resurrect, Not Restore”

Social Hall PA, United States

We will come back. We have before and we will again. We will come back. But can it ever be the same? Would we want it to be?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Michele Burton.