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Are you looking for a safe place because of your race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender, class, disability, beliefs, or other identities? As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm your inherent worth and dignity.

Worship: “Practice Matters”

Social Hall PA, United States

What role does practice play for our body, mind, and spirit?  Gisela Roethke is service leader with worship associate Kate Barr.

Worship: “This Matters”

Social Hall PA, United States

This, right now, this matters.  Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not somewhere else, not someone else.  This matters.

Worship: Gratitude

Social Hall PA, United States

Come celebrate the amazing work that our RE teachers and committee members have done in holding our program steady through this year of transition.

Worship: “Where I Stand and Learn to Fly”

Social Hall PA, United States

A personal look by service leader, Julie Ham, at UUCV and her faith journey on the 20th anniversary of her first visit with worship associate Dot Everhart.

Worship “Losing It”

Social Hall PA, United States

Francis David, father of Transylvanian Unitarianism is often (mis)quoted as saying “We need not think alike to love alike.”  Whatever the problem with the attribution, this nicely sums up a … Continue reading Worship “Losing It”

Worship: “Traditions”

Social Hall PA, United States

What do we choose to do year after year?  What do those choices tell us about ourselves?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Gisela Roethke.

Worship: “Finding Our Gifts”

Social Hall PA, United States

We are all born with gifts and responsibilities.  How do our responsibilities call us to use our gifts?  How do our gifts call us to responsibilities?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching.