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Worship: “Christ without Easter/Easter without Christ”

Social Hall PA, United States

How do we imagine an unresurrected Christ?  How do we imagine Easter without Jesus?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Christin Kapp.  Music Director David M. Glasgow provides service music, and the choir sings about multiple Jesuses.

UUCV Easter Egg Hunt

UUCV Meeting House 2 Forge Road, Boiling Springs, United States

Worship: “Pascha – The Power of Remaining Obscure”

Social Hall PA, United States

What does it mean to be passed over? When is it a good thing to be ignored?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches for this multi-gen service with worship associate Julie Ham. Marc Renault provides service music on guitar.

SGM Daytimers

Library 2 Forge Road, Boiling Springs, PA, United States

We meet the third Thursday of each month at 1 pm at UUCV.  Kit Franklin and Michele Burton are co-facilitators.

Worship: “A New Future” Where are We Going? 

Social Hall PA, United States

Rev. Aija Simpson preaches her last service before beginning her sabbatical leave with worship associates Michele Burton and Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis.  Music Director David M. Glasgow provides service music, and the choir sings an exhilarating new take on a Sondheim-Bernstein collaboration.

Capital Campaign Formal Vote

Social Hall PA, United States

Members will vote to approve launching the campaign drive.