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Are you looking for a safe place because of your race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender, class, disability, beliefs, or other identities? As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm your inherent worth and dignity.

Worship: “All Of Our Parents”

Social Hall PA, United States

On this Father's Day we ask the question: is there something inherently special about fathers? About mothers? About our many gendered parents?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaching with worship associate Michele Burton. Guest Accompanist Carole Knisely provides service music.

Adult Ed: Exploring Knowledge

Board Room

Do you and I experience things the same?  If we look at the blue sky, do we see it the same?  And how do we know?  Is experiential knowledge unique to each individual?  Scientific knowledge seems to be based on agreement.  Does knowledge exist in everything…in everything that man creates?  Can anything come into existence … Continue reading Adult Ed: Exploring Knowledge

Worship: “Who Else Is Family: In Ever Widening Circles”

Social Hall PA, United States

 Even the best families cannot be everything to their children. There is always the larger family, outside of the nuclear family and even outside of relatives altogether. Who has been part of your larger family?  Gisela Roethke is service leader with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

Sound Board Operator Training

Social Hall PA, United States

One of our greatest strengths at UUCV, as confirmed time and time again by surveys of our community, is our worship program.  Whether it's Rev. Aija behind the pulpit (or at least wandering near it) and David at the piano, or any of our devoted worship associates and substitute musicians, our Sunday mornings together are … Continue reading Sound Board Operator Training

Worship: “A Passion for the Search for Truth”

Social Hall PA, United States

Exploring the parallels of Freedom of the Press and the UU Search for Truth.  Dick Poland is service leader with worship associate Dot Everhart

Drum Circle

Religious Education Classrooms 2 Forge Road, Boiling Springs, PA, United States

Join your community in rhythm! Each season, we're hosting a free, all levels, community Drum Circle facilitated by Dani Fiore. No experience necessary! A limited number of drums and percussion will be provided but please bring you own if you are able. Participation is FREE but a love offering will be gratefully accepted; A portion … Continue reading Drum Circle