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Capital Campaign Workshop with David Pyle

Social Hall PA, United States

Please plan on attending this important workshop with special guest Rev. David Pyle.  Following services on Sunday, August 20, there will be substantial snacks served before Rev. Pyle begins the workshop in the Sanctuary at 12:00 noon.  Rev. Pyle is a member of the UUA's Central East Regional Staff, and serves the congregations of the Delmarva Penninsula, … Continue reading Capital Campaign Workshop with David Pyle

Worship: “What’s In It For Me?”

Social Hall PA, United States

Our Small Group Ministry Committee will lead the service with several reflections about the benefits of SGM for members, for facilitators, for UUCV as a congregation and for the world beyond.  Rev. Aija Simpson will also talk about the benefits of small group ministry for the congregation.  The children will experience the “Check-In” process during … Continue reading Worship: “What’s In It For Me?”

Worship: “Prayer”

Social Hall PA, United States

“Prayer” Rev. Aija Simpson concludes our series on “Words that Unite/Words that Divide” with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

Worship: “What Do You Mean, Sources?”

Social Hall PA, United States

Rev. Aija preaches with worship associate Julie Ham.  The Living Tradition we share draws from many sources"  Those are the words printed directly under the seven principles in our hymnals. We all know about the principles, but how did those sources get there?