“Our choir is so amazing,” you’ve thought to yourself. “I would love to participate—but I’m just not able to commit to Tuesday night rehearsals!”
You’re not alone—we’ve heard feedback from many that our Tuesday rehearsal night (chosen originally to avoid a conflict with one of David’s other jobs) is less than ideal. So we surveyed current and former choir members for their preferred evenings, and the results were nearly unanimous!
Effective August 1, the UUCV Choir will rehearse on Monday nights, still from 7:00-8:30, still in the Sanctuary. We’ll continue to provide child care, though we appreciate a heads-up a few days in advance so we can confirm we have adequate coverage.
As always, auditions are not required to participate in the choir—simply come as you are. Rehearse with us as often as you can, and as long as you’re confident of your participation, you’re welcome to sing with us on Sundays as you wish!
If you have questions or concerns, of course, don’t hesitate to contact David or talk to any current choir member! We’d love to have you sing with us!