You may know that if we need to cancel worship due to inclement weather or other concerns, we post an announcement on Facebook, record a message on our voicemail message, and publicize on local TV news outlets (currently ABC 27 and CBS 21). Starting this month, we now have an additional communication service to share emergency news, thanks to the website If you would like to receive a TXT notification in the event UUCV worship is cancelled due to inclement weather, we invite you to subscribe to our Remind “class.” The service is free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To get started, just do ONE of the following: (1) scan the QR code at right with your smartphone, OR (2) text the message “@uucvworshp” to 81010 from your phone, OR (3) visit to join on your computer. (NOTE: There’s no “I” in “uucvworshp” — though we certainly hope to C U in worship!)