Where Do You Find Hope?

Where do you find hope? That is the current topic of conversation in the downstairs women’s bathroom. Confused? Let me explain.

A year or so ago, we painted the walls of the downstairs ladies room with chalkboard paint. When we first put these up, I figured, at a minimum, it would disincline people to etch graffiti into the walls and at best it would provide some entertainment while we use the facilities. So imagine my delight when it turned out to be a place where people offered thoughtful reflection and ideas. And ok, the occasional pun. There is beauty there too.

So now, every couple of weeks, I write a new question, and wait for the wisdom to roll in. Which brings us back to the top – Hope. The topic of this week’s worship service and our current bathroom conversation. Here are some of the responses I got:

Family. Friends. Animals.

It’s just what I choose to believe.

Only option!

I don’t. I can’t.

Hope isn’t something you maintain, it’s an innate part of the human character…

As I prepare to preach about Hope this Sunday, each of these touches ideas touches on part of what I was thinking, and each adds complications that I might not have thought of. Want to spend some more time thinking about hope? Come join us for worship this Sunday.

And come join our bathroom conversation anytime! (gentlemen, we’ll work on getting you chalkboards soon…)

In faith,
Rev. Aija